The American Akita, a dog breed with an attentive and capable appearance, is one of the most popular breeds all across Japan. Despite its name, it was actually bred in the mountains of Japan and is a wholly different sort than its Akita Inu relative. The American Akita is a bit more stocky, has softer and more abundant fur with a larger nose. Being from its ancestor, the Matagi dog, they still have a strong sense of hunting within them. Appearance These dogs are quite muscular, they have a thick neck, strong legs, and muscled back. Their back legs are powerful and their tail is a cute long curly cue. They usually have a "black mask" on their face, unless they are of all white. They come in brindle, tawny, beige, white and brown, all black and all beige. Their face resembles a bear slightly just like their Akita Inu brothers, and their ears stick straight up in a triangular shape. They can weigh to thirty to fifty pounds. Temperament American Akitas are positively...
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