The Berger Picard is a French herding dog that is known for its short and wiry fur and quick agility. They have been confused with a larger type of terrier because of their diminutive looks. Like most European dog breeds, they almost died out during the two World Wars but were resurrected by breeders who felt that they needed these dogs back in to compete in dog shows. Origin There is no proof, but they are thought to be one of the oldest dogs in France. In the 9th century, this dog who was much bigger at the time, was brought over to the northern part of France by the Franks as a gift. They also may have been born and bred in the Dutch highlands in the 7th century but there is no proof on this information. They have been ever popular during the 1800's at dog shows because of their rustic looks and easy to train personalities. Appearance The Picard is a small herding dog that weighs about fifty pounds, a mighty weight for its size. They are compact and have a crisp coat th...
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